Setting up your Twitter account
Before you get started, be sure that you've completed the goal setting sheet to determine your intention for integrating these tools into your daily / weekly routines.
View the "Accessing the Goal Setting Template" to learn more about how to claim your own editable copy of the Goal Setting Sheet.
Visit the link shared here- to create your own copy of the goal setting sheet and set your goals before moving on to the Twitter portion of the course.
In this course, we are starting out with twitter, which was called the ☂
... "umbrella" for nearly all we have learned as connected educators, meaning that many resources we have found, any people we have met, and many opportunities we have been afforded in which to share our learning have come from our presence on Twitter. We found that the relationships we have established initially via Twitter have become even stronger when we subsequently had the opportunity to speak with the person face to face. Interacting with colleagues via Twitter can be extremely beneficial and enjoyable- and even mildly addicting! (Whitaker, Zoul, Casas)
Reference: Whitaker, T., Zoul, J., & Casas, J. (2015). Https:// New York, NY: Routledge.
Public or Private Profile
Cassie's tip: In order to use twitter as a way to connect with other educators around the world, I suggest keeping your profile public. There are other options which will help to keep you safe while on the platform, but a private profile will keep you from being able to make connections easily.
Professional Account
When thinking about being a connected educator, I would recommend having one specific profile for professional connections. Keep personal details and images and non-education related ideas on your personal profile, while using the professional account strictly for work related connections and content.
Check out this example that exemplifies a strong education profile.
As we wrap up this module, check out this bonus tip. How to use canva ( to create your profile header.