What does being a "connected educator" really mean?
You are here to learn how to become a connected educator. But what does that look like? What does it mean to be a #connectededucator and why should you buy in to this idea?
I am living proof that finding connections with others can have an incredible amount of power in not only your life. I've seen the inspiration that my journey has had in others lives, as an evangelist of the amazing things that can develop from these connections.
Connections made with others (either virtual or face to face) allow you to find your network of support, encouragement and non-stop learning opportunities that will empower both you and your students.
As an educator, I know that time is a factor that plays into the things that we do, and don't do on a day to day basis. Time can put limitations on the things that we allow ourselves to do in our free time, and keep us from doing those things that we've always wanted to do, from becoming the educator or professional that we've always longed to be.
Another thing that I've heard time and time again from others, and that I've also experienced myself for years, was fear. Fear can become debilitating, keeping us from sharing our passions, talents and become the people we were meant to be. Fear can stop us from being that shining light for our students that they need us to be, it can keep us from being an inspiration to our colleagues that we know we've always wanted to be, the person that they are searching for to keep them moving forward.
I am here today to tell you that it is time to move past your fears, and take the first step to become connected. Some of you might need to start from the ground up, and some of you might already have started your journey, but you long for additional direction and guidance on how to keep moving forward, well my friends, today is your day to find that support that you've been looking for. And the cool things is, there is no better time than today to start making baby steps to get to the other side, where all the other #connectededucators are waiting for you!